Which University Will You Enter?
Via Google
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How is your family, money-wise?
We struggle financially.
We have enough to cover good education.
We are extremely wealthy.
We are well-off.
Via Google
You just got your report cards! What does yours say?
An A in arts, B in other subjects.
Mostly As, some Bs.
Cs with a few Bs.
Straight As.
Via google
In class, the teacher is not there. What do you do?
Write down song lyrics.
Chat with friends.
Leave the classroom.
Work on assignments.
Via Google
What do you want to do for a living?
Be an actor or performer.
Be a professional musician.
Have a stable job near home.
Have a prestigious career like a scientist or doctor.
Via Google
Which type of campus environment do you find most appealing?
Urban with lots of activities.
Suburban with a focus on arts.
Close to home and familiar.
Bustling and academically rigorous.
Via Google
What are your academic interests or intended major?
Performing arts like drama or dance.
Music studies.
General education.
STEM or humanities.
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