Best Friend Quiz: Are You Really Best Friends?
Vía Canva
Vía Canva
How do you celebrate each other’s achievements?
With a party or something fun
A quick congrats and move on
It depends on the achievement
I don't really celebrate it
Vía Canva
What’s the longest you’ve gone without talking?
A day or two, tops!
About a week
Maybe a few months
We’ve gone years without talking
Vía Canva
Does she know your favorite snack?
Of course! She brings it to me all the time
She probably does, but doesn't mention it
Not sure, she even thinks about it
Nope, not a clue
Vía Canva
How do you handle fights?
We talk it out immediately
We need some space before making up
It takes a while, but we figure it out
We avoid discussing it altogether
Vía Canva
How often do you hang out?
Every day
A few times a week
Once a month, maybe
Rarely, if ever
Vía Canva
Does she know your most embarrassing story?
Yes, and she’ll never let me live it down
I think so, but she never brings it up
Maybe, but I’ve never told her directly
Nope, she has no idea
We won’t save it, it only used for quizzes.
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